Sehlopha sa Kamohelo ea Puo e Akaretsang ea Sezulu
Hokkien General Speech Recognition Corpus with Scripted
Sehlopha sa Kamohelo ea Puo e Akaretsang ea Mongolia
Sefinnish General Speech Recognition Corpus with Scripted
Li-database tsa li-audiobook tsa Sechaena bakeng sa Temoho ea Puo
Thai General Speech Recognition Corpus with Scripted
Puo ya Sichuan Kakaretso ya Kamohelo ya Puo Corpus
Kakaretso ea Sweden ASR Corpus
Puo ea Changsha Kakaretso ea Kamohelo ea Puo
Mananeo a data a Kamohelo ea Puo e Akaretsang ea Sepanishe
Mananeo a data a Recognition ea Kakaretso ea Puo ea Norwegian
litalian General Speech Recognition datasets